Tips when Searching Using

Some tips while searching

  1. Click advanced search for the county where the minerals are located. Note that online records may be limited.
  2. Search by ancestor’s last name + Section, Township Range.
  3. Search by Document Type (See suggestions below) + Section Township Range
  4. Search by Section Township Range then review for ancestors, Affidavits, Heirships etc.

Your search may not be conclusive because of several reasons. These may include an unfiled probate order, an omitted name, an omitted legal description and or other clerical errors.

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Anyone know why Woods County is not included in Thank you, Susan

Woods is one of a handful of counties that does not sync with OKCountyRecords But you can find them on:

My site has links to all counties, including those who use a different service. Caddo County is currently the only county that provides for no online search capabilities.

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