Who in N.Dakota can do a title search? Is it only landmen.Are they bonded?
What would the cost be?
Who in N.Dakota can do a title search? Is it only landmen.Are they bonded?
What would the cost be?
Anyone can do a title search, it's more a matter of can they do a good job. If you want to know what it takes to become a landman, paraphrasing Buddy Cotten, face west, raise your right hand and say "I am a landman". There are no requirements although they may also have completed courses of study and belong to a couple professional organizations....or not.
The chain of title can be relatively simple or it can be messy. I would start with the original patent and work forward tracking sales and inheritances, right of ways and possibly changes in navigable rivers if you border a lake or river. The last 20 years are probably electronically recorded, for the rest you have be at the courthouse and in the books. One of those geneology sites may also be helpful to track possible heirs.
Real estate title companies can research your title and are bonded, they probably hire landmen to do the work, and charge extra. Land companies that lease for operators also do title searches but sometimes make mistakes