Title search


Hello, I need some help or direction. I need to find out how many acres the original track had in it. We originally had 30.5 nma grandparents (inherited 1966) own 3/4 of that for 22.875 nma. have division orders sense the 70s. In the process of lease and the said we only own 19.5 nma because in the 1940s 14 acres was sold(deed 103). There assuming its a 40acre track. In the info they sent was a warranty (deed 236) from 1945 it says containing 80acres in accordance with U.S. government survey therof. I’m out of state and not having much luck finding title search online. any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Don’t sweat this too much. Deeds almost always say the original plat gross acreage, not what you have now.
You might be able to find the original on www.glorecords.blm.gov

S2 NE section 13 is DOC 1086060 and was 80 acres. Then the N2 would be 40 acres. There are more documents there, but you can look through them. image

Thank you, still trying to figure out what we own. The 14 acres sold but just the surface he retained all mineral rights. My attorney said the title docs they sent show it was originally 40 acres and that we actually own 30 acres not 22.875 like we thought. Hope we get it figured out soon.