Where can you find a map of tracts - for example The Oswego Unit in Logan County. OSO sent us formulas on how our royalty is calculated - and they have it by tract. I have researched well docs on OCC- I have gone through OCC dockets, still can’t find anything .
If you want to give your legal description, we can see what we can find for tracts that are a part of the Unit. The information has to be filed with the commission but finding it there is sometimes difficult.
There are quite a few Oswego units. Start simple with just OSWEGO in the unit name. You will see all of the Owsego units- then you can narrow it down.
Type in your section township and range and it will come up with the ones that include yours. It is possible to have several units over the same section.
@M_Barnes, @jennifermason, yes, there are at least two
Lawrie Oswego Units in Logan County. Attached the tract list for
the NW Lawrie Oswego Unit. Hopefully that is the one you are looking for.
NW_Lawrie_Oswego_Unit_Tracts.pdf (32.6 KB)
That is EXACTLY what I was looking for. THANK YOU- Can you please tell me where you found that? The Oklahoma Corporation Commission transferred me to Kingfisher OCC- they are over the Logan County District and have not been able to find this.
We own all 160 acres of minerals in 36 18N 3W SE 1/4
Their calculations are as follows-
TRACT 22 W/2 SE 36-18N 3W
40/80 x 0.125 = 0.0625 x 0.04074222= 0.00254639 is
E2 SE Section 36-18N 3W
40/80 x 0.125 = 0.0625 x 0.02493857= 0.00155866
our royalty.
@jennifermason, those calculations look correct and reflect that you have 50% ownership. The Plan of Unitization can be found using the link that @M_Barnes provided, Order 403591, Case 960002048, then the tract list is on pg. 43 of 74.
Pick item 1637. Scroll down to Exhibit A to see the track participation percents. Copy those two pages for the list of tracts and the calculation method. Then scroll to the map and copy it. Tract 22 is 80 acres. Tract 23 is 80 acres.
The original well for Tract 22 is the Gooch #1, now called the NW LAWRIE OSWEGO U (GOOCH #1) 22-1. They tend to rename the wells to match the tract numbers. The well was spud 3/14/69 and was completed 4/1/69. It last produced in 6/1/91. It is plugged and abandoned. But if the unit is still online, you will get paid on the tract participation amount for all the other wells. It was recompleted in 1987 and lasted a few more years. Tract 23 did not have a well on it.
Not sure where you got the 40/80. The original well had no spacing, so I would have had it at 80 x 0.125 (a 1/8th royalty) x 0.04074222 (the calculated tract participation factor using their formula for net feet of pay)=0.00509278 unitization division order decimal unless you have less acreage. It seems to indicate that you perhaps do not own the full 160 acres of both Tr 22 & 23. Only half of it. Same concept to Tract 23. No old well, but you get the unitization decimal for all the wells in the unit. If you are looking at leases, they have the gross acreage, not necessarily your net acreage.
Are you aware that there are mulstiple horizontal wells in that section? They may have different Division Order decimals.
Hi- thank you so much for all of your help MBarnes. Can you look at one more thing? In 1637-On page 45- is a map of the Oswego unit and its tracts. It encompasses tracts 1-30. Now- the Oswego Unit are is now different- it’s divided in two. Carma (640acres) Nettie(640acres) - I have read through all the documements pertaining to the unitization- and I don’t see where it was ever changed into to 2 - 640 acre units? I understood if we were part of this unitization it would benefit us because we would get paid a portion of everything in the Oswego unit, as other mineral owners would too. We are only being paid for the wells extending from 36 18 3N- not the Carma area? Would this information be found in a spacing order etc? They have also changed the name of all of our wells in that area effective August 31st 2023. Hope this makes sense.
When they unitize in OK, the unit spacing changes from the original non-spaced or 640 and becomes the unit size which can become hundreds or thousands of acres.
I would have to delve deep into the old records and the new wells. Sometimes the horizontal wells are not included in the unit if they are in a different reservoir. The best person to ask is the Division Order analyst for the operator and ask them to send their equation for your acreage. Ask for your net and the actual spacing.