Hello, I have inherited a wide spread of interests including MR, ORRI, and WI. Two of my operators (Citation and BCE Mach III) are requiring that I provide the actual deed for the minerals to complete the transaction. Trouble is that I can’t find anything on OKCountyRecords.com or any other source for that matter. These interests were all purchased approximately between 1980-1989. I am in Texas so it’s I’m having extra trouble with just not being there. If anyone could provide some information it would really help me out I’m sure. Thank you!
The county courthouse is the actual repository for paper deeds and probates. The digital files may not go back far enough for an online search. You may need to hire a landman for a day to do the research for you. The ORRI and WI would possibly be tied to an old lease, so not filed at the courthouse. Only the mineral rights would be filed there, but they are the starting point.
Yes at Stephen’s county I have to go to courthouse and look up records I cannot get online thanks
If there was a probate, you may be able to locate the order distributing property. You can begin your research here: OSCN Docket Search Some counties digital records are only available on the On Demand Court Records site.
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