It’s rarely to a landowner’s benefit to sell their mineral interest. I’m not well versed in mineral buying, but I am a landman. The only thing I could think of for how they would justify that offer would be the following:
A pretty standard royalty rate in a Permian Basin lease right now is 25%, which is what I’m assuming in this analogy. If the lands are leased and/or held by production, odds are your royalty rate is 25%. Assuming this, that means the terms of your lease can take your 10 acres and bring it down to 2.5 acres in terms of royalty checks. However, if you have no lease burdening your interest, and a well is drilled because the other mineral interest owners in the tract did sign a lease, then once the wells pay out, meaning they have recouped their costs, the person who owns those 10 net mineral acres will receive the full interest of the 10 net mineral acres. In this case, while it sounds odd, a lease on your land is less valuable to them than open interest would be.
I don’t know if you own executive rights or not. If you do, then that means if the company purchases your interest, they will control leasing and leasing terms if there is no lease or production on the tract.
It’s basically a matter of time and recouped costs. Its sounds like their business model places emphasis on owning Open Mineral Interest at best, and being able to control leasing terms and bonus at worst. If your lands are burdened by a lease, then half the value of that mineral interest, being the right to lease and earn bonus, is now gone, and may as well just be an NPRI at this point in time.
It’s best to assume they know something about the area that you don’t, aka, they know that a company/companies plan to start drilling in the area soon and they’re trying to get ahead of it.
I hope that makes sense. I’m happy to clarify anything that doesn’t make sense to you.
The offer itself makes sense to me. The question isn’t so much if the offer is fair/a scam, but rather if it benefits you as a mineral owner to sell your interest at all. If you aren’t in need of a large lump sum of money, then the answer is probably not, but that’s something you have to determine for yourself. I don’t know anything about the going rate for bonus right now in Reagan County. They obviously value Open interest at $10,000 an acre. If your land is open, and you decide you want to sell, you could probably get more from them. I doubt that $10,000/acre is the best they can do. You could probably get them to go up a little bit on either part of the offer if you decide to sell, even if your interest is burdened by a lease.