Triple Rimer well Grady county

Curious if there is any new activity foreseen on the Triple Rimer wells in Grady County 1-35-26XH? Any new wells going down in near future? Thanks for any insight.

When asking about any wells on the forum, it is best to post in the state and county where the well is located. I moved it over to Grady County for you. Please give the entire section(s), township and range. The wells may not be permitted yet, but we can check on OCC cases. In this case we know about the wells, but just a hint for any other posts.

Those Triiple Rimer wells happen to have their perforations in 35/26-7N-5W, but the surface locations in 2-6N-5W for most of them.

Continental is the operator for the wells. They are chugging right along as they are meant to. And declining in volume as is normal. If Continental decides to do something new, they will file the appropriate OCC cases and you will get the notices. (If you name and address are properly filed at the county courthouse). If you are getting paid properly, then they probably have your correct address.

As a WI owner, I haven’t seen anything coming our way on this unit.

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