1.Before an oil company sends an account to texas Unclaimed property do they attempt to find an heir?
My fathers interests in a producing well changed operators 7 times he passed in 1992 and one of the 4 accounts the most recent was reported in 1999. An affidavit of heirship is filed in the counties oil interests are situated 1993.
why are the accounts sent to unclaimed. My fathers interests were stolen after his death in 1992 in turn the thief stole the rights from me when I was 10 with an erroneous affidavit. Is there a way to find out if there is money held in suspense other than contacting all the separate operators. Most of them have either changed name or say they do not have a record of the rights for my father in system.
Some companies try harder than others. If you are going back that far, you probably need to deal with the state. Most companies hold for only about 4-7 years. If you think a crime was committed with the erroneous affidavit, suggest you contact an attorney.
I hired a tittle search company and in the findings some intrest of ours went into suspension in 1947. At that time it was Humble oil. How or who do I contact in order to locate the royalties
Humble Oil is now Exxon/Mobil. If they were in suspension that far back, they may be held by the state in which they are located. Or possibly in the state of residence of the individual. Or Delaware. Check the unclaimed funds in each of the states. You will need proof of ownership in order to get them.