Update On Some Comstock Wells

Since Comstock is slow to post updates on the progress of their Leon County wells, here is a summary of what I’ve been able to dig up regarding some of their recent ones.

BD Powell 1H: Drilling completed 4/22/2024, frac job completed 11/20/2024, no completion report filed yet

Hogue MMP 1H: Drilling completed 6/24/2024, frac job completed 11/24/2024, no completion report filed yet

Deornellas PB A 1H: Drilling completed 7/31/2024. frac job completed 11/22/2024, no completion report filed yet

Deornellas PB B 2H: Drilling completed 6/22/2024, frac job completed 11/21/2024, no completion report filed yet

Williams RM 1H: Drilling completed 12/8/2024 (from filed directional survey)

Miles BM 1H; Drilling completed 10/2/2024 (directional survey)

Leon County Allocation 21H: Drilling completed 11/15/2024 (directional survey)

Jennings FSRA 1H: Drilling completed 12/22/2024 (directional survey)


Thanks Alan for the update. I know you said the Hughes well was spudded in January so I’m assuming probably still being drilled as well.

I’m also assuming they are fracking the Williams and Leon Co wells at this time.

Let me know if you find anything else out, thanks again.


Great Update. Thanks Alan

These wells had small amounts of production reported for December 2024. Date of first production has not been published.

BD Powell

Hogue MMP

BM Miles

Deornellas PB A

Deornellas PB B

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Hello All, I’m curious to know how Comstock’s Western Haynesville wells are performing after they’ve been producing for a while… Does anyone know if the TRRC website has production data for specific wells - data that is available to the general public? Thanks

Yes, the RRC site has production data. You can search here:


In the Production By Filing Operator section, you can input Comstock’s operator number (170038) and district 5 and you will see each well’s production for a given month.

If you have the lease ID, you can use the Production By Lease section to look at each well’s production over time.

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Thanks Alan, I will check out the link.