Using RCC GIS Viewer

I am trying to locate these Borden County, TX properties on the RCC GIS Mapping. I can easily find the two Abstracts mentioned. And I can also find the Sections, Block mentioned. And I can find the Absts displayed for choice. But these combined don’t look right to me. Plus, I can’t enter any Tsp or Cert. !!

I’m trying to learn to do this myself, but this just has me stumped!

Certificate is from the patent which you can find on Texas General Land Office website. Texas Land Grants

Abstract 417 -

If you type in the abstract number 417 on the GIS website it shows that it is Sec 41, Blk 32, Township 6 North

A lot of times you won’t have the abstract number listed in the property description in the deed, just the section, block and township. You would have to type in the section and block and then select the correct township or type in the township in the block section as it shows in the example


Good morning TripleF…after pulling up the GIS mapping system on your computer, go to the magnifying glass at the top of the screen and click on that…a drop down screen will appear and click on surveys…another drop down screen will appear and type in your abstract #…then go to the area where I have a blue check mark and click on that empty box and select the county(Borden)…then click on Query and your map should appear.



Thanks so much, @Matt! I’m going to learn a lot more about those Certificates!!

I want to test this out on a few other properties. There have been several properties, but the deed says there’s an abstract, but the system says there are none. If there is an Abstract number on the deed and Section, Blocks identified it seems sometimes the Abstract covers more area than the Section , Block. So which is the correct answer? I’m guessing it’s whichever is smaller, but . . .

Within any one county, abstract numbers were assigned sequentially by Texas GLO as lands were surveyed or granted out of the State. I do not think that any abstract covers more than one section. However, many sections have multiple abstracts, each covering a part of the section. It is possible that a deed has an error in the abstract reference due to the preparer making a mistake.

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Great point I hadn’t considered!! But I guess the answer is basically if there is an abstract number is present for the county, then that is the single best definition. I’m seeing a ton of counties where there are: Abstract, Certificate, and Survey. Many times the Survey given on the deed is a number and RRC doesn’t seem to like those!!

@TennisDaze, Exactly what I found in the past month on some NM property. Name Typo in 1985. Now to try and correct that. LOL!!! MK

In many deeds, the reference to survey is actually a section number.

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Great topic! It looks like tract two had an error. The GLO (thank you Matt) search of the cert # would suggest that the abstract # is in error. Is there a hierarchy of validity?

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Folks . . . I’m getting confused. When I enter S45, B32 I’m given these three Abstracts. But RRC Viewer is taking me to the lower one (Abst 317). I only see the other 2 when I zoom out. Abst 341 takes me to the middle shaded area. And Abst 410 takes me to the upper shaded area.

If entering S45, B32 takes me to the lower one (A-317), why are the other options given?

RRC viewer is letting you know that there are 3 abstracts in the section, each of which is a unique portion of the section. You can select any one of the three and get to that view. If you do not know or care which abstract then it takes you to the lowest abstract #. To see the whole section or the area, you zoom farther and farther out.

Sounds like an opportunity for RCC to improve. If I enter the section and block . . . BUT . . . if they presented a zoomed out view I guess that would be okay.

RRC web viewer is great tool for seeing oil and gas activity. It enables you to identify producing wells and permits and then move over to access all related current and historical data. It is not designed for title searches as that is not the function of RRC. It may be your inexperience that makes it confusing.

Absolutely 100%! I’m notorious for getting upset what I can’t figure something out! Sorry! RCC is a fantastic tool that has made a seemingly impossible task almost easy!

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