Any information on status of either of these wells for production and royalty payments? Stephens Co. 15-T1S-R4W. Continental not much help on updates as I requested. I believe Village was shut in earlier this year but may be back up and Hondo I believe went on line back in June. Last payment on Village received back in march and nothing on Hondo to date. Have received much corr. for this section for horizontal drilling ie. cases before the Commission from Continental attorneys. I’ve tried the OCC well browsing tool site but no help as I don’t have PUN numbers. Any info is greatly appreciated.
@Robert_J_Blair, there is also a Hondo 3-22-15XHM. All 3 wells show production through August 2024 on the OK PUN site. 137-228008-0-0000 is Village PUN, 137-231378-0-0000 is Hondo 2 PUN, 137-231760-0-0000 is Hondo 3 PUN. You can also search by Section Township Range (Search by Legal)
You need to go to the OTC site, not the OCC for production. Go to the HELP box and Public PUN option. Then type in Village in the Lease Name. Then select the blue PUN number and it will open up the well. Select Production from the tab at the top. It also has a print tab.
Village is reporting payments through end of August. Hondo 2-22-15XHM AND 3-22-15XHM are both online. They are listed on the OTC.
I have had the same experiences with Continental. Phone calls are impossible. If you leave a request through their email or text messaging you will probably receive a return call. However, if it is not at a time that you can answer the call you are out of luck and have to start over. Waste of time and effort!
I checked my payments on Village 1-15-10XH. It was apparently shut in for Feb, Mar and April. I received payment for oil covering May and June production with check dated 7/25/24. Volume was very low, 188.62 bbls May, and 545.98 bbls June. Gas production for Jan. 2024 was paid 3/25/24, again very small volume of 11,247 MCF. No further payments received to date.
I have received no payments for any of the addtional wells to date.
Also if you have an interest in Chisolm Trail 0104-11-14-1MXH, the pay situation is very similar to the Village.
Pete R. Many thanks for your reply and info Pete. It is very helpful and much appreciated.
M.Barnes, Thank you as always M. Barnes for your help and always great advice and direction. Your posting of the current status of the wells and web site info are much appreciated and I will use the site in the future. You are the Best! and always my best regards to you.
Teresa, I did send Continental an email a couple weeks ago and got a standard, probably pre written answer a few days later. The answer was that Continental does not issue guidance of possible future production or status of payments. My experience with Village1-15-10XHW or the other additional wells mirrors yours. Guess all we can do at this point is sit tight and hope for the best over the next several months.
I didn’t really check the surrounding sections for new wells, but the drop in production may have been for shut-ins for fracking nearby. Time will give more information.
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