This group has not seen much of any posting in months. I am wondering if any of you out there, particularly in Ventura County, with leases active with Vintage have had/heard of any activity around your holdings? I had though that after the conference in Bakersfield regarding the Monterey Shale there would have been some activity beginning.
Thanks for your feedback.
There have been some permits pulled but beyond that nothing else. I believe much of the Ventura (Monterey Shale) mineral would have to be accessed via fracking, and the CA Legislature has introduced a “flurry of bills” to limit or ban fracking.
Kate Sciacca said:
There have been some permits pulled but beyond that nothing else. I believe much of the Ventura (Monterey Shale) mineral would have to be accessed via fracking, and the CA Legislature has introduced a "flurry of bills" to limit or ban fracking.
I read this week that a bill including both fracking and acid is close to signature with both "sides" feeling too much has been given away. Hopefully this will ungum the works.
Certainly hope so! Thanks for the info.