I am needing someone to sit down with me help me on my Wells which are sections 20 and 21 Township 14 range 7 East. Mobile 1 Jat 1 Fox 1 and fox2. Have been in production and Well Servicing side my entire life service my own Wells but need to learn the legal side of the ballgame. And how to maximize on my spot admist a larger waterflood in the same producing Zone that I am producing. Have had unitization offers bye larger company doing waterflood. But I have working interest and mineral interest on two of the leases. Just needing a little help and anything could would be appreciated thank you very much
When did you get the unitization offers? What name did they have at the top of it? Was there an OCC code number at the top? Who made the offer? The reason that I am asking is that those wells are pretty old and trying to find out if it is already in a unit. Fox 1 is plugged and abandoned as of 1/1/2011. Fox 2 does not have any reported production for the last 12 months. Are you getting any royalties? Some basic info will get us started.