Here is a little of the back story. My father in law owns 100 acres between Cambellton and Falls City. My father in law is 82 years old and cannot live on the property anymore. He lives 2 weeks with her brother and 2 weeks with us and has been for quite a few years. The parties involved are my father in law, my wife, and her brother. The family talk has always been that when the father passes on the land will be split between the two siblings. About 3 years ago the brother tried to talk my wife into selling her "future" half of the land to him. He told her that she would not be able to take care of it anyway and that she didn't have the money to even pay the taxes on the land. He offered her 50K for her 50 acres. I suspected something was wrong so I told her do not sell. Where was he getting the money? We soon found out. He had been working a deal with an oil company to have 2 pipelines running through the property. All of this seemed to be with her father's knowledge and he didn't tell her until she pressured him on where the 50K was coming from. Then we find out that he also had a deal with EOG to drill for oil. He was trying to cut her out of the whole deal. Her brother seems to have dominance over her father.
Now let's move the story to today. There is a producing well on the property and has been for about 1.5 years. It is horizontal and there are 7 land owners in the the pool. There is also another well that they are pooled in with. The brother has been giving my wife some money here and there but he still keeps her in the dark about what is going on and how much money is involved. He and her father finally decided to get an attorney to make it all legal. I only know that the attorney's last name is Grandstaff and he is here in San Antonio. The attorney decided that they should make this a family owned business and all 3 equal partners. The attorney seems to be talking about the money involved from the time the paperwork is signed, which hasn't happened yet. I have heard no discussion about the past 1.5 years that the well has been producing, or about the pipeline money or the other well. My wife was left out of all of the decision making for that and the money involved.
I don't see any way that she could trust her brother after past experiences and there is no way a partnership would work. I suggested that everything be split 3 ways and they each control their part, to my wife. Grandstaff seems to only talk to her brother privately and hasn't talked to her unless all 3 were there. I do not feel that he is there to represent all 3 equally. It seems that he is there to represent the one that is paying him and that is her brother. She wants to find an experienced attorney to represent her rights. She says that her brother and Grandstaff may not like her getting another attorney involved. I say who cares what they think. Her rights are being violated here and she needs someone to represent her.
Hopefully someone will read this long story and help us out. We need someone to listen to the story from my wife and let us know if they can help to protect her. I know that price is always an issue and at this point she hasn't been given a lot of money from her brother.