Is it common to have an appraised value on a well when there are no well logs and no royalties being paid?
You need to post a more detailed question, including the state and county. Are you a mineral owner who is not in pay and why (such as title issue or not received a division order or in process of transferring mineral ownership). When was the well completed and started producing? If you identify the well, then you will get the best answer.
If this is for an estate valuation, the appraisal should be as of the date of death, without taking into account any additional information that may have become available later, including logs and payment/production history.
Garza County, Texas. I have a tax statement with an appraised value and have not received royalties on the well in a couple of years.
Look at the statement and see what year or years are included. If for 2024, you should have received a Notice of Appraised Value last year and had to protest within 30 days. Is the well still producing? If so, contact the operator and get in pay. If not, then in 2025 the value should be zero and you can protest any value.
be sure to take advantage of the low production tax cut if you are in Texas