Well production status

I have mineral rights and existing wells from which I receive royalties. These are located in Kingfisher County, Oklahoma 30-16N-5W. The wells are Oaktree 1605 1, 2, 4& 5. At first all 4 produced. Since last fall nothing had been received from #4. The others are variable. My question is how can I find out what is going on with these wells. I know they decrease in production over time.

Thank you for any information.

You can get the last “12” months of production from the OK Tax site. It runs a few months behind.


Go to the HELP box. (You do not need a login) Then to the Public PUN Search. Type OAK TREE in the leasename box. There is a space. Then click on the blue PUN to open up the well. The tabs at the top are useful. Or you can go to the Print tab to get everything. Last production listed for #4 is August. You would have to contact the operator to get particular information-if they would give it.

You will have to hit the back button and fill in OAK TREE again to get each well. They have a software glitch…

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