What is the average price for mineral rights in Custer County, OK?

We have been contacted by someone who is wanting to purchase mineral rights, that apparently belonged to my great great grandmother, and we had no idea about them. The location I have is 25-13-19W. We have other mineral rights at a different location that have a lease agreement with Devon but they have not started drilling yet. I am curious what the current rate is to sell per acre in that location. Does anyone know or have advice?

You are probably getting offers on that section because there are many OCC cases in the township for multi unit horizontal wells. Depending upon your tract location, you may have an active gas well that may have pending royalties. Would suggest that you check unclaimed funds at the OK Treasurer’s office or the state where she lived, contact Staghorn Petrolum about the Bettye 1-25 well and see what you need to do about getting into pay status. I would not sell without claiming what already might be due to me.