What is the going price for Leases in Roger Mills recently?


I noticed there were several oil lease in Roger Mills, 17N-25W in recent months by a company from Colorado.

Does anyone know what these leases went for? per acre? 17N-25W



I see 3 wells in 17 n r. 25w sec. 22 leased @ $1100 11/24/15

sec. 26 $850 9/26/16

sec. 36 $750 8/18/16

also, new well in sec. 12 IP 160 bopd 4/27/16

new well sec. 10 IP 103BOPD 5/25 16 BOTH WELLS drilled by Le Norman

Thank you for your prompt reply

I did see several in with FourPoint Energy from Colorado.

Thank you again
