Where do you check to see if there is any drilling activity on your leased acres?

We inherited 200 net acres in Weld County and leased it to Chesapeake about two years ago. We are not in the area and are wondering if there is any activity going on in our sections. We haven't been contacted by anyone, and don't even know if Chesapeake still holds the leases. Is there a way we can check what's going on with our leased acres?

Thank you.

That's a great question and one I have been trying to figure out on my mothers behalf. I would call the company you signed your lease with for the most current information.

Township - Range, Section ? We can look it up.

1) Section 11 T10N R67W, (W2)

2) Section 6 T10N R66W, (W2 NW/4: SE/4 NW/4 & NE/4 SW/4)

Thank you.

Linda: go into Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission website. Click database. Put your descriptions in.

FYI - EOG has horizontal permits in both sections.

Thank you for that information. For both sections it said no records found. Where did you find that EOG has permits?

Database............then facilities............then enter descriptions.

Thanks again. Is there any way to figure out what plans might be going forward? I've left a message with EOG to see if a direct query helps. Is there any way to figure out what is happening on adjoining parcels?

I am sure the drilling unit includes you lands so your in good shape. Owner Relations is best spot then they will direct you to the Landman that handles the area. 200 is a good chunk