I always see users post on here about never sell your mineral rights. I’m curious to know…does anyone on here actually buys mineral rights?
I’m sure there are but rules don’t allow solicitation. You should look at the county records for any potential buyers.
The answer is yes. There are numerous parties on this site who buy (and sell) mineral rights.
I should’ve clarified, I’m not looking to sell and I know there are active mineral buyer groups on here. I was more curious about people who inherit mineral rights as they seem to be the most vocal about never selling.
Do they buy more or do they just sit with something their previous familial generations invested in?
Unless they work in oil and gas, Id venture to say that 90% of the people that inherit minerals dont activley buy other interests outside of their family’s interests. But thats just a random guess
Speaking for myself (and by default, my family) we won’t sell unless it’s a matter of extreme financial desperation.
My late grandmother requested that we never sell, and I intend to honor her request as best I can. I’m personally all for keeping oil and gas interests in the hands of family and out of the hands of corporations with questionable agendas whose interest is profits and control rather than people and values.
Speaking very very generally. Lots of heirs just sit tight. Those who do buy interests fall into two categories.
- They may buy out their family members when the family members get tired of dealing with the minerals, or the family member fears the interest will become very fractionalized.
- The family member is in the oil and gas business. So, they just add the inherited interest to their inventory and purchase more interests.
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