Who, or is, operating or producing on acreage (Woodward County)

Hi ya’ll!

First time here posting.

I have 2NMA in Woodward County located here:

Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3 and South Half of the North Half of: Section 5 Township 20 North Range 19 West

I thought there might be some royalties coming in off this because I thought, based on my research, there may be production in the area of interest . Last year I thought I found who may be drilling in the area and providing royalties (Diversified Energy) but they responded and said there was no ownership of interest from who I got them from.

Now, I’m just confused.

  1. What’s the best way to verify if there is production in the area?
  2. How (or can) I tell if there are royalty payments due for the property area I listed above?

Appreciate any help. I have a lot to learn here in this space.


You have no production on your section, you had a vertical well drilled in 1969 that was a dry hole and no wells drilled on it since.

@BrandonB, @Bob77 is correct about the 1969 well, but there is also a newer horizontal well from 2018 operated by Diversified that is producing.
The Shyrock 5-20-19. Good way to check production is the OKTAP

Diversified did not deny production, but seemed to imply a problem with the previous owner’s ownership. You may have to review the chain of title. There could be a mistake, but you will have to show why it is a mistake.

Ah this is great information. Thanks so much! I’ve reached back out to Diversified to seek clarification and hopefully try to clean things up.

OKTAP was a great resource. Lags a little of course but that makes sense.

Very much appreciated.

Thanks for replying!