Will a Chinese National Takeover an American Company Next? CNOOC - Nexen

If you haven't read about the $15.1 billion acquisition of Nexen by CNOOC, you can read more at wsj.com.

The big question is how long before the Chinese attempt to acquire an American company?

What are your thoughts? Should a nationalized Chinese company that is controlled by the Chinese government be able to acquire American companies?

How long have you been asleep? The Chinese have been buying companies to acquire technology and patents ever since the Clinton administration. When labor unions and onerous government regulations make manufacturing unprofitable, the company goes on the block and gets sold.

These companies are stock companies, so the ownership transfer happens slowly and insidiously.

Foreign investors do not buy companies to deal with truculent labor unions and government BS. No they buy them to get access to markets, gain technology and patents and to provide employment for their own people.

As a result, it seems that now nothing is made in the US anymore. The product looks the same, has an American sounding name, but is made in China.

Who owns Schwinn Bicycle? Who owns True Temper Tools and a plethora of formerly US brands? The Chinese.

They own Husky Oil. They are in partnership with Devon and Chesapeake and who knows what else.

They need deep drilling and fracking technology. The best place to get that is US companies.

Better learn Mandarin or at least Cantonese so that you can talk to your new land lord.

It is better to buy something used in the second hand store than to buy something new made in China. Look where something is made before you buy it. It may be your job next.

Robert V. Gill

Agreed to all. So, if the Chinese attack "US"... they're really attacking themselves. Maybe that will be our defense?

What worries me is that metals seem to be disappearing. Someone stole all of the covers from the water meters in the alley. Someone is buying up metals. Scrap iron is one of our country's biggest export items.

During the great depression, my father collected scrap metal and sold it to a nice Japanese fellow.

At the same time, my mother was married to a track engineer and they were living in a rail car that was moved from job to job.

She would watch at night to see from where the bats were flying. Then she would file claims on the guano deposits. She then sold the claims to a nice Japanese fellow.

History repeats itself.

The Chinese are also helping Iran with oil infrastructure and I suppose oil production technology China gained from joint ventures with American companies, in exchange for Iranian oil. I read an article that said Iranian ships would ferry oil out into international waters and transfer oil to other nations tankers to avoid the sanctions, as a method of "oil laundering" it sounds thin, but then again, who's looking anyway?

Sanctions are worthless. They just allow double dealing countries to make big bucks. They may find themselves in a sorry situation as a result of their actions.

A nuclear weapon laid on Tel Aviv would also take out Jerusalem and Ramallah.

Amman, Jordan is only 70 miles from Tel Aviv; Gaza is 40 miles. Damascus and Beirut are each about 135 miles away. A nuclear weapon is a totally inappropriate weapon for such a small theater of war.

If the Iranian bomb is not intended for Israel, just who do you suppose will be the recipient?

When the Kungs fled China, they got into the oil and gas business. It all ties together. If you read the links, you will see what I mean. H. H. Kung ran the Bank of China. His sisters in law were married to Sun Yat Sen and Chang Kai-shek.

These connections go way back.



I still have a wad of currency his bank produced. I keep in the safe with the Tsarist bonds. Neither are worth anything, but my family never gives up.

I knew it. It's a Canadian company, Ive been following this since last summer. I heard of a potash deal near us in Sask that makes me drool. BUT the Chinese company that paid for the permits has a bad reputation for paying the money it owes. It is a GIANT and can bully people. I'm very nervous for our potash minerals....

Robert Gill, I enjoyed the links you posted on China and the oil and gas business.

Read "The Soong Sisters" by Emily Hahn. It gives a real insight into Chinese history in the twentieth century. It also explains why all of that Nationalist Chinese currency in my safe is worthless. Beware, history repeats itself. The irresponsible printing of money can destroy a nation; but those who own and operate a nation will always protect their own.

Contrary to what the power brokers would have you believe in order that you’ll give up your pension, cut your

( http://thecommonsenseshow.com/2013/12/27/the-coming-chinese-invasio...)

wages, and settle for the life that people live in a third world country, the globalists want you to believe that your nation is broke and there is nothing you can do about it.

America is not broke, in fact the opposite is true. The United States of America is awash in an unimaginable amount of mineral wealth. What belongs to the people has been transferred, in the greatest theft in world history, from the workers and consumers to the government as well as the banks and the portfolios of the criminal elite gangsters which control the politicians with insider-trading and outright bribes. The banks are able to loan against the value at a ratio of 9 to 1 in this modern day version of fractional reserve banking. However, the biggest theft of American assets is literally happening right below our noses. The banks will soon forsake their holdings as the government, as I am being told, will move to nationalize every bit of mineral resource wealth in this country under Executive Order 13603.

Today just 400 Americans have more wealth than half of all Americans combined. Despite this grim statistic which reveals the wealth imbalance in this country, our nation has never been wealthier.

Far beneath the ground, the federal government and its bankster puppeteers, own the rights to mineral and energy leases, from which they receive royalties, rents, and bonus payments, states the Institute for Energy Research, an industry group. According to their estimates, government states that the assets are worth $128 trillion. That’s almost eight times the national debt.

“These resources could be leased to third parties and could subsequently earn the state and national government huge royalties, rents, and bonus payments that estimates could total almost $150 billion over 10 years, just for the oil and gas leases alone”. Then why isn’t this being done? Simple, ask yourself who would lose money if this were to come to fruition? These vast resources have been promised to the Chinese and they are moving to take possession. Already, the Chinese are in Hawaii to take possession of what gold America has left. Speculation abounds that this is why Obama is in Hawaii to personally supervise the transfer and to arrange for the transfer of mineral wealth..

Many of my military sources tell me that a series of international “inland ports” will be created in conjunction with known mineral rich areas and control of these areas will be handed off to the Chinese. Further, the Chinese military will be stationed around these inland ports to ensure safety and security of the Chinese investment and its mining and geological personnel. This will be the foothold of their invasion force. For reasons to be discussed in the latter part of this article, there is a much more ominous reason why the Chinese troops will soon be a common occurrence on American soil. This will constitute only the beginning of the short-range take over the Chinese have planned for America.

Confirmation of the fact that the Chinese will soon be taking possession of American mineral resources, comes from a former CIA agent. On December 22, 2013, I interviewed Nobel Peace Prize nominee and the man who delivered the message which ended the Iranian Hostage Crisis, Dr. Jim Garrow, who was indeed a 43 year deep-cover CIA agent.

During the course of my interview with Dr. Garrow, he unequivocally stated that China will be taking control of our mineral rich land resources in repayment for the tremendous debt the United States owes China. This would be a revelation that some will challenge because the “bury my head in the sand crowd” is frightened by Dr. Garrow’s revelations, except, I reported the existence of as well as the estimated dollar amount of this mineral wealth on February 6, 2013, on my website and shortly after that, I aired these facts on the Dan Cofall Show airing in Dallas/Ft. Worth on station 1190AM a short time later. The entire Garrow interview can heard here.

America’s Debt As it has been widely reported, America has three levels of debt which needs to examined in context with this stunning revelation of largely unknown mineral wealth:

1. National Deficit of $17 trillion dollars 2. Unfunded liabilities ($238 trillion dollars) in the form of Social Security, Medicare, etc. 3. Derivatives debt estimated at between $1 quadrillion to $1.5 trillion dollars.

As one can clearly see, we can pay off our immediate bills and cover more than half of our unfunded liabilities. The derivatives debt should be repudiated because it is the result of illegal banker investments. America has the ability to stem the debt tide. With the development of these assets along with getting rid of the parasitic Federal Reserve, America could be back on the path of national prosperity. However, this does not fit into the globalist agenda which seeks to totally destroy America as well as most of the people within the country.

America and the Globalist Agenda The globalists goal is to establish a one world government and a one world economic system (which is nearly complete as I write these words) which is ruled with extreme authoritarianism and brutality in a futuristic version of neo-feudalism. To accomplish these goals, there can be no Bill of Rights and American prosperity must be obliterated. This is what we are in the midst of at this time as America is being torn down brick by brick.

As I have written, America is one false flag event away from a genocidal version of martial law. The

This sounds kind of preposterous, but then consider this: http://www.infowars.com/new-bomber-can-nuke-us-military-bases-brags-chinese-state-media/

It leaves me wondering. Nothing is printed in China without the party's approval. Pointing out potential targets may just be a form of intimidation. Then again, maybe not.

Everything you say is spot on. And let me be clear. Israel has what it calls 'the Jericho' option. They have plainly stated that if any country nukes Israel, they will respond in kind to that nation and to every nation that aided in the building of that weapon.

So if Iran or any other ME Islamic country does nuke Israel, a lot of countries are going to have a bad day. Countries like China, Russia, North Korea, France, Germany and others. Because Iran did not produce ANY of the equipment they use. They bought it from other countries.

You are aware that the US sold Israel four diesel powered 'boomers' back in the late eighties/early nineties, each carrying 20 missiles that are topped with MRV's, right? MRV stands for Multiple Reentry Vehicles - each one of those 'multiple vehicles' IS a nuclear weapon. So if there are 5 weapons in each MRV, one sub will target 100 places.

And trust me when I say EVERYONE, including the USA will have a 'bad day', because once the missiles are launched, everyone that has them will launch them so they don't get caught on the ground and not be able to use them as a 'second strike'. There won't BE a second strike.

I know, I know, conspiracy theory stuff for sure. But you ever wonder why Israel has basically said 'NEVER AGAIN"? There is a reason. They fear no man and no government. They basically feel they have nothing to lose, once the first nuke is launched on Israel.

It is that scenario that gives me nightmares, LITERALLY.

Robert V. Gill said:

Sanctions are worthless. They just allow double dealing countries to make big bucks. They may find themselves in a sorry situation as a result of their actions.

A nuclear weapon laid on Tel Aviv would also take out Jerusalem and Ramallah.

Amman, Jordan is only 70 miles from Tel Aviv; Gaza is 40 miles. Damascus and Beirut are each about 135 miles away. A nuclear weapon is a totally inappropriate weapon for such a small theater of war.

If the Iranian bomb is not intended for Israel, just who do you suppose will be the recipient?

Chinese companies have spent billions of dollars buying/leasing U.S. minerals and partnered with many U.S. Companies to extract those minerals. I suppose the next step is owning U.S. E&P... midstream and refining companies. They are locking up their energy needs. Before you know it... we'll be buying from them.