Winkler jackrabbit well

The “Unusual Leasing Practice” thread has been closed. I wanted to share this report on the Jackrabbit well indicating the frac job was completed 4/26/2024 Perhaps an administrator will consider adding this post to that thread.

June 2024 production for the Jackrabbit well has now been posted to CONG

Thank you for posting the info re the Jackrabbit well. I have a small mineral interest in Sec 13 so was more than casually interested in the info. I have been searching for Jackrabbit well info especially following your earlier post re Fracking. Can you give me directions as to access the CONG site, or does one have to have a TX tax ID? Maybe I will have a little royalty check from Continental under my Christmas Tree

You are welcome. This link will open CONG’s oil lease drop page seen in the screenshot. Just fill in the drilling permit number and enter the date range in the screenshot in my earlier post, and then click “search” and the information will populate. If you click on the link and it opens to a page which reads “Session Expired” then move your cursor to and click on “Crude Oil and Natural Gas” and then scroll down the list of options choosing “Lease Drop - Crude Oil” and it will open the correct page where you can enter the permit number and date range. If you have any problems accessing the information, just let me know.

July 2024 production has been posted.

This is fun – watching the production reports and anticipating a mineral interest check in the near term. AJ11 your postings have really helped my interest in Winkler co! Thanks again! ADS

Glad to help, ADS! Just trying to pay forward as I have benefitted from this forum.

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