I can’t shake the feeling that there is something afoot in Logan County. In going over some of the paper work etc. of my mother’s in 1982, and remembering some of the conversation during that time, plus the research I have been doing gives me hope for Logan County. For the time, the operator offered her a decent lease for the time. It was $2,000 bonus money and whatever else she got, It was for 50% of 160 contiguous acres. This was in 1982 and the operatoidt wasn’t what we wanter had informed her, circa 1984, that they were to put casing down etc. & would begin production. That went out the window '84 when the price of oil collapsed, & they cancelled out. For some reason, the interest in Logan County has never come back the way it was in 82-84. Her heirs, of which I am one, have decided to put it out there. I have had an offer but nothing firm enough. What has piqued my interest though is the fact that an outfit I thought wouldn’t bother with the area, said they would evaluate it. Remember, Logan does have a drilling history. They are in the Niobara Shale region also. It has to slow down in Weld County sooner or later. It just makes sense to me, their interest could focus on Logan because its proximity to Weld. Is there anyone else thinking about this? Wes Tucker
I have some bad typos, sorry about. But I think U should be able to get the gist of ot. Wes Tucker
RE my post of wishful thinking: I visited the Logan County Website on June 25 and a small reference in their intro said: " a re-emergence of the oil& gas production," So I guess something is afoot. I have training as a researcher, 2 things are really important when you are doing researc,h. One, is not get in a big hurry. When U have a little time-- research, You can learn a lot from small talk and other sources. Two, is just applying logic and cmmon sense. If it walks, quacks and acts like a duck, chances are it is a duck. We all need to keep each otherf informed & remember there is production going on righ now and Logan was active in the 80’s. Lets get together folks.
I talked to a geologist who seemed to be very knowledgeable about Logan county. He explain to me why Logan county is not very prospective currently. He says that more advances in technology must occur first. He got very technical. At the same time he was interested in the minerals in particular sections that I do own. So, hold your horses.
Hi Sid: Thanks for the response. I realize the new technology being developed is key to the future and is already yielding great results in the fracking side. I got one offer on our 80 acres out of the blue, for $50.00 per acre on a straight mineral buy-out. I passed on it, but was gratified that we at least got an offer. I am awaiting news on a petroleum engineer’s . Our report from a company that has shown interest. We’ll see, but I have no illusions about becoming a millionaire any time soon . I will share the results. We own mineral rights of 50% of 160 contiguous acres in section 20 SE 1/4.
Thanks again Wes Tucker
Sid-- re the petroleum engineer. Sorry for the typo. It should have read petroleum engineer’s report.
Just curious. What is the Township and Range of those minerals?
I think my reply to you a minute ago may have failed. Here it is again,. T10N, R55W. What sections R U in ?