Woodford Activity McClain Co OK

Own leasehold in Section 16 7N 3W McClain Co. OK. Any permits for horizontal Woodford that includes this Section?

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I moved your question to McClain County.

There are no current Woodford wells or permits, but Limerock is active in the area with permits for two horizontal wells in section 17/8/20-7N-3W just to the west of you.

Continental filed for 640 acre spacing in the Woodford and Mississippian in 2023, so that hints that something might be coming. That case was dimissed in July 2024, but someone else might take it up.

There was a clash last year over (at least) Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 4 West between Continental Resources and Native Exploration.

Some time ago, Continental Resources withdrew their intention to drill in the aforementioned area, and Native has since been given permission as of this year (summer IIRC–I didn’t save the legal notices from Charles Helm and Stephen Gary, the legal representatives for Native).

There may well be other areas that were contested by these two companies, but I was only informed of the 12-7N-R4 section, since it pertained to my family.