West Texas and NM Woodford Shale group
I have some land in Reeves county, sec 8 blk 55 twn 4, any activity in that area? Anyone my neighbor?
This is still a new Discussion Group maybe someone will join who is your neighbor.
My mineral intrests are about 10 miles south of Sierra Blanco Tx.
Louise, Our family are surface owners of Sections 15-16 in Block 58 Public School Land in Reeves County. This is about 14 miles NW of Pecos. We have been in the negotiation process since the 1st of Oct. Have accepted an offer and are waiting for the company to finalize and send us the lease.. we are anxious to get this wrapped up.
i have mineral right in Loving County approx, 5 mi ne of Mentone, sect 1 block c-27, any activity in that area? do I have any neighbors?
How do we create interest in our area?
We own mineral rights on 10 sections of land in Hudspeth Co., South of Serra Blanco and within the last year were contacted by a Mr. Chavez with Alta Vista. They were interested in leasing and offered us a ridiculous offer which we turned down.
- Sixty (60) month paid up oil gas lease
- One-Fifth Royalty (total) to combined Mineral Interest Holders
- Signing bonus of only $5,000.00 as consideration
The offer has apparently been removed from the table and we are holding out for a better offer. How do we create interest in our land to be able to get these offers?
Anyone have land/mineral rights in Hudspeth Co? Is there any activity close?
I have 11 Sections of minerals in Hudspeth. They are split between block 47 1/2 and block 29. Haven't heard a peep...
we have 6220 acres:
section 12, blck 67 1/2- section 13, blck 67 1/2-section 14 blk 67 1/2-section 17, blck 67 1/2-section 18 blck 67 1/2-N/4 and e 7/8of S/2 and SW/4 of SW/r of NW/4 and N/2 of SE/4 and NW 4 of the SW/4 of section 19, blck 67 1/2, E1/2, NE1/4, SE 1/4, and W1/2 NW1/4, NE 1/4 of Section 22 blck 67 1/2
We were contacted by Robert Chavez, with Alta Vista Energy Houston, TX last year.. and given a lowball lease offer the family turned it down and have heard nothing else. The land was leased about 20 years ago I believe by conoco but my grandmother cancled the lease after 3 years due to personal reasons and made them leave. Since she has passed on we just sit and wait for the best offer now.
Hello I am interested in putting together a prospect in Hudspeth County, if anyone is interested in leasing please email me, or call. Jake Marbach Western Realty Resources, LLC (575)706-4533 marbachhay@live.com
What kind of prospect?
Here are the online reports from the Abilene, Odessa, and Midland papers. The Midland paper is probably the best, but has not updated for a couple weeks for some reason.
Abilene: http://www.reporternews.com/news/2012/sep/09/oil-report-992012/
Midland: http://www.mywesttexas.com/business/oil/ (scroll down)
Odessa: http://www.oaoa.com/sections/permian-basin-drilling-report/
Has anyone here used Hilltop Royalties to negotiate their lease? I posted this question in the Eagle Ford section too. I saw their advertisement on Facebook, called them, and they sounded pretty good as there would be no money out of pocket. Their website is http://www.hilltoproyalties.com They said that the fee structure would be based on what additional amount they were able to get me over my initial lease offer for my minerals in Ward County. Any help would be appreciated. I am also not sure if this is the best place to post this. If there is a better one please let me know.
Thank you,
Haven’t heard of them, but I do know an Oil and Gas Attorney in the area with over 20 years of experience who has negotiated excellent deals for mineral owners. Happy to pass along their info of interested. Just message me.
I own 50 % minerals on a 15 tract in Lavaca County, Texas. This is in the Eagle Ford location. THe minerals are in a lease with PennVIrginia. 1500.00 and 25%.
Please contact kwhiteinbox@gmail.com.
News today is that Pioneer Natural Resources is purchasing 28,000 acres in the Midland Basin of West Texas from Devon for $435 million. That equates to $15,535 per acre, recognizing that this is both producing acreage and allowing for further development.
Page 6 ..."The ZPZ Fee #601H is located in Section 6, Block 1, MK&TE RR Co Survey, Abstract 857, being 9.3 miles northeast of McCamey, Texas. Apache has two other completions currently designated as Wildcat that will be placed in the proposed field, the ZPZ Fee #602H (API No. 42-461-39829) and the ZPZ Fee #1501 (API No. 42-461-39830). Apache requested that the following temporary field rules be adopted for the proposed Square Top (Barn-Wood) Field: Rule No. 1: The entire combined correlative interval from 8576' to 9103' as shown on the log of the Apache Corp., ZPZ Fee Lease, Well No. 501M (API No. 42 461 39797), Section 6, Blk 1, MK&TE RR Co./C,W. Oldham Survey, A 857, Upton County shall be designated as a single reservoir for proration purposes and be designated at the Square Top Mtn (Barn Wood Field. The interval is intended to include all the reservoirs from the top of the Barnett Shale and the base of the Woodford Shale."
Recently sold some minerals, I am looking to reinvest.
Does anyone know of any good landmen or companies to contact?
can anyone help me get a division order and copy of a lease in Loving County ?