Does anyone have a suggestion for how to find working interest owners in a unit? We have WI and are trying to find the other wi owners and the operator continues to promise help, but for months has not. Any suggestions?
What state are you in? There are various ways to look them up, but depends upon the state.
The interests are in Texas.
You might try the county appraisal district 2022 records for interest owners in that lease. Another way is to start with the unit designation at the county clerk, then look for any sales of interest since the filing .
In my experience in Texas, the tax records have 100% of WI in name of operator and the operator charges the taxes to the various non-op WI with other operating costs. Mineral (Royalty) and Overriding Royalty owners are taxed individually. Tracing assignments of leases in deed records could be time consuming. The operator has the list of WI the well expenses are billed monthly to the WI. Perhaps it comes down to the reason why you want to contact other WI.
Thank you. Perhaps this is what I will need to do.
TennisDaze, the operator just changed. Since the change we have not received any revenue (several months so far) and even before the change we were looking into selling our interests. The operator has told us they are not interested in buying so we were going to reach out to other WI owners to see if any are interested in increasing their holding. Although arguably, since no one has received revenue in awhile, it’s likely to be a tough sell. I fear that the operator is not really stalling as much as disorganized to a point of unable? I have reached out to the previous operator and they were unable to help, so I thought I would ask here to see if there were other avenues I hadn’t considered. I appreciate all the suggestions.
I would suggest that you send a certified return receipt letter to your operator and ask for a list of the working interest partners and their percent. Can’t hurt to try that method.
I like that idea, although they have responded and told me that they would send what I have asked for. But never actually do. I get a lot of “I will get that to you by the end of the week” responses and it’s been months. So making sure contact is happening is less the issue. I considered legal correspondence. But if there is another way, I wanted to make sure I explored those first.
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