We have working interest in township 1 North range 21 ECM section 14 Braver County Oklahoma!! I would appreciate any info !! At one time Cabot Corp was interesting on purching my working interest! Operator at the time was Unit Petroleum Co , Tulsa Okla well name Thorton 1-15H completion date was Nov 20 2012 !!! I understand paper work was started around April 2013 for a well in 14 !! A reply will be appreciated. ! Emily
Hey Dan…I am working this thing from your side, and would suggest what Franken should have done in his questioning, but honestly, Franken is more of a comedy writer than a Senator. Franken should have followed up with determining the dates that Sessions first spoke with Trump and became an advocate for his campaign. Then Franken should have asked if during that time frame, Sessions had any communications with any government officials from Russia. Then he should have inquired if those conversations included policy issues and discussions about our election, and other relevant topics. So…again, from Franken’s question, nothing is impossible, but it is a lot closer to impossible than possible to prove intent, which is a necessary element for perjury or fraud via concealment of material fact.