Wyoming GIS Viewer

I’m trying to research a couple of small tracts of minerals in Converse County, Wyoming. I located section 7, Township 34, Rage 69 on Wyoming’s Oil and Gas Conservation Commission’s GIS viewer:


It looks like there are a lot of wells permitted, but I can’t actually see any data (the “more data” link doesn’t work).

Doesn’t it seem weird to have that many permitted wells in a section? If I click on the surrounding sections, I get the same pop-up box indicating the bottom hole is permitted but with no data. This can’t be right.

Am I just using this incorrectly?

I’m trying to look up the following:

7-T34N-R69W 35-T35N-R70W 12-T34N-R70W 2-T34N-R70W

Hi Danna, I have spent a fair amount of time on this site. You need to click on the actual cluster of stars or black dots to see the actual well data. You will still need to click more data on the well card when you find it. A more direct way of finding things on specific tracts might be to use the area of review function in the main menu. Then enter the specific section township and range you are looking for. This will bring a list view, not a map.

Hope this helps!

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