Zavala County, TX - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

Oil & gas discussion group for those interested in Zavala County, TX. Share your experience regarding lease bonus, royalty rates, drilling activity, and oil & gas news.

Not a very active forum but we are, at least in Zavala via the proxy of USEDC wells spotted and spud. We are also still seeking mineral owners wanting wells drilled vs fat pocketbooks in specific areas of Zavala.

I track the current drilling activity in Dimmit and Zavala county and noticed in last Sunday's San Antonio Express News, Business Section, that two wells are currently being worked in Zavala County. Anyone here the owner of one of them?

Im curious as to what the current lease bonus and royalty rates are in the Crystal City area as we have been approaced by 2 operators over the past two months.

KP Young, the only offer we have had in the past 24 months was from Sanchez Oil. They only wanted to offer $200 bonus and 20% royalties.

My lawyer said they also had some wording in the lease that was not landowner friendly.

KP can you share the names of the two operators ? Thanks

Thanks Brian. We have been approached by both Sanchez and CML. Both have offered $300 bonus and 20% royalty. Sanchez offered a paid up lease while CML has offered a seismic agreement with lease option.

Thanks KP, We are located west of Crystal, out the Cometa Road, I think I’ll give CML a call.

No problem. We are just north of town off of 1025.

The following is a sponsored (paid) promotional notice:

If you own minerals in Texas or New Mexico, consider attending the NARO – Texas convention in San Antonio July 18-20, 2018. They have a great agenda, good speakers, and the cost is reasonable. This year also includes a special session for New Mexico mineral owners. The current agenda draft is attached, and a link to their signup and information page is

Attachment: 2018-04-30%20-%20NARO-TX%20Convention%20Agenda%20%28Hyatt%29%20invite.pdf