we just received an offer from Moxy for Section-36, township-35, RAnge 01w. My grandfather had mineral rights all over and we are just finding out about alot of these as we get offers in the mail. Can anyone tell me how to find out where this is, and if there is any activity in the area.
Thank you
Daniel, my mineral interest for the property with an offer from Moxy is section 23, township 3S, range 1W
Thank you, what would RD Williams be able to do? Would it be giving a second opinion based on the offer we recieved?
I have not heard of them, but my mineral interest are in Eastern Carter Co. RD Williams / XTO have the area pretty well tied up.
What section/township/range are your mineral interest located?
Bryan , i researched Moxy and their parent company. Moxy concentrates on Gulf properties, while their parent company is in real estate/home building. I have been in the oil field all my life and have never run across them. This is not to say good or bad but strictly FYI . Check them out closely.
I think it might be interesting to see what RD Williams would have to say on this. You might call Jordan Gary at 580-226-4100 and get a second opinion.
You’ve been waiting for that for sometime now. I don’t see anything on the OCC.
Daniel. It is like money in the bank and the Duibel will tide me over. I’m not greedy nor in a hurry.
Daniel, I got an XTO application for increased density in 33 3s, 2e. It was filed Friday. Good news
Your mineral interest are located about 5 miles North of Lone Grove and the Western boundary of the section is about 1/2 mile East of the intersection of Newport Rd and E1905 Rd. It’s in the middle of nowhere:)
If your offer is a lease or a offer to buy, RD Williams could offer you more, if they are interested. XTO is moving West of Hwy 77, so RD Williams might make you a better offer. However, remember the first offers are not allways the best. Generally, offers are 3/16 for 3 year lease with option for 2 more years. The bonus varies depending on how hot the area is. Some never sign a lease and wait for forced pooling where the State usually gives the mineral owner 3 or 4 different option on the bonus amount and the percentage. Some percentages go as high a 1/4 with no bonus.
I am looking for the action to start on the Rose well in 33 3s 2e. I understand that XTO has bought the well from LE Jones and are going to reenter and do a horizontal. I was told by a neighbor that they had started fencing the existing location off. Anyone heard anything?
I am still waiting on 30 3S 3E. How about sending some good news my way:)
I check the OCC website and could not find that the OCC had scanned the document, which is not new. They will probably scan it on Monday.
What I find interesting is they mail the document the same day the OCC files it.
Daniel I was surprised when my brother sent me a copy of the Density document. Maybe the government faster than ever before. I got my copy in the mail today. My brother has access to sources not available to the general public. In any case XTO’s attorney sent it to me. We will see how the story unwinds.
Thanks, Ron. I appreciate it. I was wondering why I couldn’t find them in the O&G area.
Books also sent my Denisty Docs. I had a drilling permit in May of 2012, but nothing ever happened. Then XTO sends me a offer to buy, last Sep '13, which I did not accept.
Maybe your brother could tell you what it the issue with section 30 3E 3S. There has been a pad on there since I was last back there in October of '12.
Daniel, your pad may be included in XTO’s 2014 drilling program. I am almost sure their drilling program is a classified internal document. I can’t imagine why they would leave a pad undrilled unless the ones drilled so far had the best opportunity for high production
It’s amazing how they can get stuff like that screwed up. I had one well with my correct address and the other with unknown address. My Aunts, and my mother where both listed, but both have been dead for quit a few years.