Garvin County, OK - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

Well Ron, I spoke with Marathon and Jack Fork today. The deal with Marathon is they are drilling on sec 18 and will be horizontal under our sec 7 for 4000 ft. Continental has a proposal on our section 7 since last year, but has never filed a permit…so we play the waiting game I guess.

Thanks Rick, a good time for you to step in, a little over my head.

Lynn, Rick knows his stuff!

Tina, is their offer for certain sections or anything in Garvin?


replied in Stephens Co this morning.

“Looking up” your mineral rights can be quite the task. They are not tracked like surface rights in Oklahoma because they are not taxed. Since most owners inherited them in some manner (in many instances without proper process), it can become a genealogy study as well. Also many of the documents are not online.

How and when did you obtain you rights?.

Lynn, I see the following mineral deeds 3/16/2004

Are you looking for filed leases?

Book 1692 pg 440

Book 1692 pg 441
S36 T3N R3W E2 SW SE
S36 T3N R3W S2 NE SE

Book 1692 pg 442


Good feed back. Yes, some Landmen and companies are very fair to deal with. It is good to hear about them.

David, my family has used Henry Bonney in Duncan for both O&G stuff and probate – we’ve been quite happy with their work over the years.

Michael, I looked in the Garvin County records and my minerals are not showing up. This is what the description says…Southeast Quarter of section 25, township 3 north, range 2 east ; leased to NCRA

Second one… T3N-R3W Sec. 36: E/2E/4 Leased to Anadarko Petroleum

Sharing some current status: Triad has an application in to force pool us in 16-3N-4W. In this case we had not seen any of the lease proposals as they were going to incorrect addresses, the the first I heard of it was the public notice in the paper (made me happy I had subscribed a few days earlier!).

I sent a note to the attorney handling the application with correct addresses. Steve Perry from Triad called to follow-up and although he understood we would just wait for the pooling since the application was already filed, he was SUPER helpful in just talking to me about activity in the area as well as their approach. I found it interesting that they are drilling for the Deese formation and only asking for that depth in their leases – knowing full well that there are other operators who will come in behind them wanting new leases for the deeper Woodford.

Posting this experience for two reasons – first, in almost all cases I have found it really helpful to call back those proposing the lease and chat with them, most have been more than happy to talk about what just about anything to do with the business and offer their opinions.

second, I really appreciate their approach of only leasing down to the Deese and not trying to get leases where they try to hold everything by production. They are motivated since it lets them argue for a smaller bonus but it sure seems like a big plus to me that we will likely have the opportunity to sign a second lease for the same interest in short order.

Prestige minerals is offering $2000.00 per net ac. Anybody want to bite?

Like I stated a couple of days ago we got a purchase offer of $7,000. an acre for ours in 16 2n,4w (of course there is going to be at lease 6 wells on it soon but that’s the highest I’ve had or heard of yet!

Buy out, no lease.

Hi Rick! Thanks for your work on this! I inherited minerals from my Mother who got them from her mother. When My Mother died in 2003, my sister took all the leases and her lawyer split them. The problem is my sister hasn’t ever given me my copies, so I dont have any idea what I have.Her lawyer says she doesnt have copies anymore and told me to go digging.My Mother had already given me some before she died so that is what I have posted on here. I am such a greenhorn at this, but am trying to learn as much as I can. I just find it a bit confusing. Now, are the minerals that you just posted in response to me in my name? Thanks again!

Ron, You are saying that this pooling is the SW 1/4? That area is not part of the NEPHU and neither is the SE 1/4. I’m sure you know this. Can they just pool Merit like a mineral rights owner? That will be interesting and I’d like to see it happen.

Doesn’t the whole section need to be leased before drilling? I guess that is what the forced pooling is for. Is Triad a drilling company or just leasing for someone else?

Chris, that is interesting news about Triad. About 5/16th’s of 16-3N-4W is part of the Northeast Purdy Hart Sand Unit which is operated by Merit Energy so I don’t think there will be any Woodford horizontals in that section until somebody makes a deal with Merit. I think the Deese is about 8,000’ and the Woodford about 12,000’ there. How many acres are they pooling and what quadrant?

Every thing Merit doesn’t have is being leased by Triad , Energy Lease, and others. I think they will just pool Merit on that tract because Merit doesn’t have the whole tract.

Tica What are you trying to sale, where is it , how much do you have, is it leased ?

Michael J…I will have P. to ask Monday about the Mashburn. Since they put it on line early instead of letting the Flow Testers stay out there until the frack water was all back out he may not be able to find out but he can ask.

sec 31 thru 36 1n 1w +sec 15 + 36e