Tech Support and Help Q&A

I cannot seem to upload a user photo. I have tried every format (JPG GIF etc.) and I know they are within the size limit. It says to try again or try another photo. I have tried multiple photos, Nothing works.

All of a sudden, my forum window has exploded to be about 300% bigger than usual. Where is the button to put it back to the "normal" size?

Probably right on your computer rather than the site.

When I started the Cleveland Co forum, I was able to put my avatar up. I got blitzed once, and since then this site will not allow me to put the avatar pic back..????

I can manipulate the window size just fine, but the fonts and whole forum is HUGE. My regular emails are just fine. When I open a forum email it blows up in size when it enters the forum. Any ideas tech guys?

I just visited the Stephens County Oklahoma group page. Last activity was 2 hours ago but most recent date for any comment shown was January 1, 2016. Is there a problem with posting comments or is there an issue with time stamps?

Your website is broken and has been for months.

I am the administrator and founder of the Monongalia County WV group.

I can't approve requests for membership - I get the email, but there are no messages to me when I log on. I am not a member of the same group I started! I can't get into the Monongalia County forum unless I'm approved, and I'm the person who's supposed to be doing the approving. Unless something changes, I'm going to delete this site from my bookmarks and get on with my life.

Curt, same problem here I have tried to change my profile pic several times, using proper format and file size and sourced from my camera or the web. No luck on any of them.

Michael-I got a response, finally, from some lady claiming to have never seen my complaints...which number about 5 or 6 by now, over a couple of years. She asked what message I received, so I copied it, sent it to her, and have heard only silence, again.

Thanks Curt

I hear only frogs and crickets.

Hi Don. Just sent you a private message with a possible solution.

Hi Elizabeth, could you please address the problem of posting profile pictures, it seems that feature no longer functions. I have tried numerous times to change my pic, staying within the guidelines of file type and size, no luck with the various photos I've tried. I believe others have had the same problem.

Good Luck, Michael. If you get something, please let me know. So far, the silence on this subject has been deafening.

Michael and Curt...We have limited ability to correct certain technical glitches including this issue with the profile pics that is affecting a few users. I have reported this issue once again to our platform provider's support team, but I cannot promise a fix for this.

Some of our users are having trouble uploading a new profile picture. Since this is not universal, it is likely due to a browser issue (assuming you are uploading correct file type: GIF, JPG, or PNG smaller than 10MB.)

1) Check your browser. Our platform provider supports the following browsers. If you use other versions, it may not work.

  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari 5.1 and Safari 6
  • Internet Explorer 8 and 9

2) Check for conflicts with extensions or add-on in your browser, which can also cause trouble. Disabling add-ons/extensions and re-enabling them one-by-one can help determine which ones might be causing the conflict.

If after checking all, you are still having trouble, please send me a link to your profile page and a copy of the image are trying to add and the tech support will try to help further.

Arnold, in the top right corner of the post, you will see a little 'x'. Click that and the post will be deleted.

Where do I find the database for Oklahoma to look up gas/oil purchases? I think it was somewhere that the companies buying from the locations had to report it. I was told that Devon is 'reallocating' the mineral interests and I'd like to see if they are still selling oil from our well.

Oklahoma Tax Commission, gross production dept. It s usually about 90 days behind.