To Sell or Not To Canadian County

Brand new here....trying to educate myself on being a mineral owner after years of just being happy to get some money in the mail! I inherited several spots in Canadian County that I own the mineral rights (sections 19 & 29) that haven't been producing. Just recently, I have been contacted to sell. Any opinions out there to hold onto these or to sell? I appreciate it. Thanks

Heidi Souza

Never, never, ever sell. If they are asking you to sell, it's because they know there's money to be made.

It is more helpful if you have the complete address. There are quite a few 19s and 29s in the many townships of Canadian county.

In general, if you get an offer in Canadian, don't sell. It is in one of the hottest plays in North America and if someone is offering, they know more than you do and want to make money. Why let them instead of you. That being said, time to get educated! Good for you for asking for info.

I attached a Canadian County map. Mark you locations on it and then use it to compare with the maps from the recent investor presentations from Marathon Oil, Newfield, Devon, Continental Resources, Cimarex, etc. Find out where they are drilling and what they have planned.

Read over the last year of discussions on the forum in this county and Blaine and Kingfisher since they are all related. You will find many folks who asked the same question and what they answers were about how to get informed, how to consider an offer, etc.

565-CanadianCountyMap.pdf (441 KB)

Have seen offers from $3000-$20000/acre. It's nuts out there. If above $25k I would consider selling...just don't buy stock in the company that buys it.

Thanks for the info! I was able to find the 2 areas. They just haven't been lucrative lately. I will check out the forum.

Where would one find the investor presentations you are referring to?

Search for "Continental Resources investor presentations". Or any of the other companies. They are on the company sites, usually under investor relations.

Just my two cents -- never sell --

If you are getting offers to buy -- there must be profit potential

Canadian County is HOT right now -- what Townships do you have sections in? Someone here can

probably let you know if you have lease potential

Just found out that drilling will be starting on one section: sect. 19, Township 12N, Range 8W. The other one is Section 29, Township 12N, Range 8W.

Educated chance? More like preying on the ignorance of royalty owners.

It is impossible to time the market and I've seen hot plays sell cheap three years later. There is a price that is too high but no one can predict it. But econ 101 proves companies can pay too much and go bankrupt and what they can pay does not mean the mineral owner is going to get a fair shake in a lease

Can anyone tell me if these section would be good to lease or what price point to sell at?

Section 15 11N 8W

Section 16 11N 8W

Does anyone own in this area that could possibly shed some light on this area?

Hang tite on those. 15 already has wells pending. If you didn't lease, then you should have been pooled last year in August. If not, you have some detective work to do. Citizen Energy.

Payrock has a pooling that was supposed to happen last week. Again, if you have not gotten paperwork, you need to move FAST. You only have 20 days from the order to respond.

If you have no idea what to do, friend me with the blue icon next to my name and I will get you the contact info for each of those companies. I would not sell at this point as you will most likely have revenues coming in shortly.

Thanks! You are wealth of knowledge and so kind to share. I friended you. If you have time, I would like that info.

Thanks again!!

The offers are going NUTS!!!

If someone offers $20k/acre I would be very interested! Was this offer anywhere near Section 15 or 16?

Are you getting offer to lease or sell?

Sell, which I'm not interested. Think I'll take M. Barnes advice and hold tight. Looking into leasing at this point.

There is already a well on 15 and I'm told it's active but not much production. Are you saying Citizen Energy and or Payrock is going to place another one in that area? What is pooling and what happens in 20 days?

That's a question for M. Barnes. I'm learning all this as I go!


Still figuring out this discussion board. Thought I had messaged M Barnes :)